Digital Guide - Buyer’s Guide: How Grant Management Software Is Evolving (+ Checklist) | Submittable

The majority of people who interact with grant management software (GMS) are not grantors. Applicants vastly outweigh the number of administrators and reviewers who interact with a GMS and it’s not close.In 2023, 31,091 programs received 3,280,284 applications in Submittable. That’s about 105 applicants per program on average. Behind each of those 3M+ applications is a human being who has to work their way through a form. And this work isn’t optional. They have to deal with whatever applicant ex...

Digital Guide: The Future of CSR Software: A Buyer’s Guide | Submittable

An introduction to the momentAs corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs mature, the technology that powers them needs to mature as well. In 2024, and beyond, CSR professionals will face new pressures, and they need technology that will help them live up to the increased demands. Much of the pressure comes from employees and customers. In fact, 76% of employees want their employer to make a positive impact in their communities. On top of this, 70% of customers are more motivated to purchas...

Measuring impact: A guide for grantmakers and CSR professionals | Submittable

Choose your frameworkChoosing a framework gives you the structure for your measurement, allowing you to set targets and assess your performance.“What a good framework does is help you actually answer questions like what, how, and why do we measure? Once it is in place, it empowers your team to build more executive support by showing your impact, and also building the case for them to keep investing to hit those targets.”Mark Horoszowski, CEO at MovingWorldsDepending on your organization, your av...

Finance for fast-growing companies

©2024 Brex Inc. All rights reserved. Brex and the Brex logo are registered trademarks of Brex Inc. (“Brex”).The Brex Mastercard® Corporate Credit Card is issued by Emigrant Bank, Member FDIC, Fifth Third Bank, N.A. Member FDIC, and/or Airwallex (Netherlands) B.V. Terms and conditions apply and are subject to change. See our .css-1fopnzi{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-1fopnzi:hover{color:#FF8050;}.css-1fopnzi:active{color:#CF592B;}.css-1fopnzi.legacy{color:#F46A...

How to find investors that will help your startup soar

As a business owner, you do a lot on your own. You've likely come up with your own ideas, bootstrapped many aspects of your business, and have gotten to where you are with little outside help. But there comes a time when more funding is necessary. In times like these, it's crucial to know how to find investors.The right investors can help your startup scale. And for those still in the ideation stages, an investor can mean the difference between your idea leaving the ground or never leaving your...

7 working capital loans for small businesses and startups

A business needs cash — or working capital — to cover its daily operations such as payroll, rent, and inventory. Small business working capital loans are a type of business financing that helps a company get through a short-term cash crunch. Needing a working capital loan doesn’t mean your business is a failure — many startups experience cash ebbs and flows as some months generate more income or expenses than others.A cash flow loan doesn’t always mean a business is declining. In some cases, it...

AR Employee Training Benefits, 4 Examples & How To Build Your Program

Training is a core part of just about any job. With the right knowledge, your team can work efficiently, enjoy their jobs more, and help your organization thrive.

Unfortunately, a lot of training efforts are for naught. According to the forgetting curve, most people forget 75% of what they learn within a couple of days. Further complicating matters, many training methods have to be adapted to suit different people’s learning styles. Some people prefer reading, while others might prefer listenin

How To Conduct An As-Built Survey & Use Digital Twins To Improve Processes

During the construction process, few things are as certain as unplanned changes. Whether the result of unknown variables or a sudden change of heart, unplanned changes quickly make as-designed documents outdated. This is where as-built surveys come into play.

With accurate as-built surveys, you can tell a building’s whole story — even if that story had numerous revisions and drafts before reaching the conclusion. In the past, as-built surveys were a manual, time-consuming process. Today, they’r

A Guide to Venue Management Software

Venue and event professionals are frequently asked to do more with less. Budget is a major component, as 36.7% of event professionals report their budget decreased in 2023 when compared to 2019. Meanwhile, lead times for events are shrinking, while lead times with suppliers are longer amidst resource and staffing shortages.

In short: You need help. And venue management software is the answer.

“Anyone who’s worked in the event space knows the infamous ‘big book.’ The binder to end all binders t

What Is Prior Authorization? (Pillar page)

For RCM leaders and specialists, prior authorization is not only a part of daily life. It’s also a common pain point. Payers (health insurance companies) argue prior authorization is essential to preventing medical waste, but many health professionals argue it’s unnecessary and prevents timely care.
• 60% of healthcare leaders say prior auth is the second most time-consuming task in the revenue cycle
• 35.6% of healthcare organizations say prior auth and pre-certifications are their leading caus

5 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid when Seeking Funding for Your Medical Device

It doesn’t matter how great your medical device concept is—you’ll need some funding to get your idea off the ground.

But device creators often approach funding with a narrow perspective. They see their product only for its inherent strengths, so they fail to communicate critical regulatory and operational considerations to investors. Without a full picture of the product, investors are unlikely to be receptive to this approach by funding the medical device.

To keep your funding from flatlining

Your Ultimate Guide to Building a Learning Organization

If you want to survive, you have to prepare to adapt. In areas known for flooding, people put houses on stilts. In arid climates, roofs are coated with reflective material to stave off the heat. And in the business world, where change often comes quickly and drastically—like a pandemic closing offices—many companies survive by rapidly rolling out training and providing the tools required to help their team adapt to a new environment. Knowledge and learning are pivotal to adaptation. When one can

Driving RCM Employee Engagement Through Purpose

As revenue cycle leaders, we all know the telltale signs of a disengaged healthcare RCM employee: they do the bare minimum (or less), make sloppy mistakes on claims or other simple tasks, have decreased productivity, seem unhappy, start showing attendance issues, and are probably job hunting in their spare time.

On the other hand, engaged employees are more likely to stay with your organization and are more productive to boot. With staffing challenges prevalent in most healthcare organizations,

Machine Learning in Medicine: Using AI to Predict Treatments

At AKASA, we’re always thinking about how we can use machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) to better healthcare operations and improve the healthcare industry overall.

Research is a crucial part of what we do. Part of our team is dedicated to ML research, looking exclusively for ways to improve our AI and automation efforts. This dedicated research team then partners with our ML and core engineering teams to implement their latest developments into our product for customers. We

Tokyobike Doubles its In-Store Pickup Sales by Switching From Lightspeed to POS

Founded in the Tokyo suburb of Yanaka in 2002, tokyobike creates bicycles that are comfortable, fast, and “beautiful enough to hang in your living room.” In 2014, tokyobike made its US debut, opening a store in New York City and wholesaling in specialty bike stores across the country. tokyobike had no intention of selling online, because that seemed like a challenging way of offering the high-touch customer service it provides for its bespoke bicycles.

As the brand grew, however, it became clea
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